Secure a Cell Site Analysis Expert as soon as possible
There are so few qualified, experienced cell site analysis experts in the UK that it is advisable to secure one for your case as soon as it is apparent that cell site analysis evidence is relevant.
Although the prosecution are serving cell site analysis evidence later and later as they draft in a cell site expert at the latest possible moment rather than rely on the work of an in-house analyst, you can still secure an expert prior.
We take many calls from Solicitors who have used us on previous cases asking to secure the services of one of our experts in cell site analysis, even if the trial is not for many months and even if the prosecution has not yet served their own cell site analysis evidence. The reason for this, usually in multi handed trials they want to make sure they get a particular cell site analysis expert before a co-defendant does.
Some companies who offer cell site analysis will only provide a quote for Legal Aid Agency funding once they have seen the prosecutions cell site analysis report. This is increasingly becoming difficult due to late service, then the defence team are sometimes asked to provide multiple quotes for the cell site analysis work, all leading to delays in the commencement of work.
A good cell site analysis expert should be able to review the case summary and Counsels advice along with whatever the prosecution has produced, even if more evidence is expected to be served. They should at least be able to provide a quote to conduct an initial review from limited information.
The delays don’t always stop there, once funding is in place and the expert secured, cell site analysis work cannot actually start until the expert is provided with the call data records in their original electronic format. It does not matter which expert witness company is instructed to conduct your cell site analysis work, all experts need the same data to produce a report. On many occasions this is served to the defence team on a disc. If this is the case, check the disc as if the files are in PDF format then your expert will usually ask you to obtain the original files and this can cause major delays.